Library Book Sale Haul!

Today was the annual library book sale in my town and of course I was there! I actually went twice today, haha. It was pretty overwhelming because there were SO many books, but I think I found a good bunch. Hardbacks were $1.00 and paperbacks were 50 cents. I got 11 books for only $9.50. What an amazing deal! I removed the library bindings and they look pretty much like new!

Have you read any of the pictured books? Would love to know what you thought of them!

So I’m Failing the #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks Challenge, and Here’s the Reason Why

A couple of months ago I made a post where I listed my goals for 2016, and in those goals I stated that I wanted to participate in the #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks challenge. It’s very easy. All you have to do is read the books you already own! Or, well…it SHOULD be easy.

Of course, right after I made this goal I fell in love with the library again. Now, I’ve always used the library, but I tend to have benders where I basically live in the library. It’s happening again.

Look, I’M WEAK. I do want to read the books I have, I really do. But all the new books coming out are just so enticing! Not to mention that the library basically enables my bad habits by making it so easy to get the books!

I used to just go up to the library and look around for the books I wanted, but I’ve really started to explore my local library’s website. Now I mostly browse online and put all the books I want on hold, then when they are ready for pickup and I just drive up to the library, go to the front desk and pick up my books. I don’t even have to do any work! God bless, to be honest.

And don’t even get me started on ebooks and audiobooks from the library. Do not get me started, lol.

Are you also weak when it comes to the library? How often do you go? 

Library Haul | September 2015

The Ask and the Answer & Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness

I just finished reading The Knife of Never Letting Go the other day and I absolutely loved it (review coming soon). I was itching to know what happens next, which pretty much fueled my trip to the library, haha. So I got the final two books in the series and I should be getting to them soon!

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

I didn’t plan on getting this book. I actually had two other books in mind, but they were checked out. As I was sitting on the little couches all disappointed, I looked up and this book came straight into my vision! I decided I should just get it because I always hear great things about this book, and also Schwab’s other adult book, Vicious. I do own Vicious, but I haven’t read that one yet. I’m going to start with ADSOM and hopefully I love it as much as everyone else.

The Ice Twins by S.K. Tremayne

I wanted to pick a random book off the new releases shelf that I never heard of and I stumbled upon this one. It’s a thriller and claims to have a plot twist worthy of Gone Girl. The main plot point is that there is a family with twin girls named Lydia and Kirstie. Lydia suffers an accident and dies. Later, the remaining twin (believed to be Kirstie) says that she is actually Lydia and Kirstie is the one who died in the accident. So it seems the book is about figuring out what’s going on there. I thought it sounded really interesting, so I got it!

Those are my library pickings for the month! Hope I can get to all these before I have to return them, haha! If I do, there will definitely be reviews for these.

Have you read any of these? What did you think?